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Home Forums Champions’ chat Hibernation Reply To: Hibernation


Hi Nic, thanks for the info about the plants. I’ve not seen the yellow plant with red on it. Strangely, we have every weed you can think of but nettles! My husband likes dandelions and says weeds are only flowers growing in the wrong place! Consequently, we were overrun with them. My beech leaves have mostly fell off, again. I thought they stayed on, looking dead. Now looking down the bottom bit of the garden where they are, I think they will have to be left, as I don’t know if any hogs are down there hibernating! I’ve reset the trail cam in the hope of seeing what’s going in the flower pot, it’s looking more likely to be a rat, which would explain why so many cats are down there. Something passed on the cctv tonight, I caught a glimpse, asked hubby what was that, he said, no idea, looked like a rabbit! Honestly… Would anything else like to come live here! I’m waiting to get a card for the second trail camera and hopefully try to catch some bat’s on it. The Tawney Owls haven’t come this Autumn. They usually come Spring and Autumn and stay for a while near a home for the elderly as there are trees there. Best wishes.
