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Home Forums Hedgehog tales Two in one house Reply To: Two in one house

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Hi Yvonne

They might have decided to all go to hibernate at the same time. It’s a worrying time of year for us hog lovers. My last remaining hog wasn’t here last night either. She didn’t hibernate last year and then got a life threatening strimmer injury and spent months in wildlife hospital, so she has become a very special hog, visiting every night since she came home. However much I hope that she hibernates somewhere safely in my garden, the most important thing is that she is wild and free. We just have to hope that they’re safe somewhere and have chosen their hibernation sites wisely. But it is a worry!

But if yours were spending the day elsewhere they must have other nests. I would keep leaving food out for a while in case one of them decides it isn’t quite ready to hibernate yet. Also in mild weather look out for signs of hogs, so that you can offer food again if necessary. I leave my cameras out all winter to check for any signs. But it’s also very imporant to leave water available all winter.

Good luck.
