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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Big surprise this morning. Reply To: Big surprise this morning.


Activity quite quiet at the moment. Only seen two hoglets out at the same time, so hope the others are ok. Mum is still around so I will not intervene as this could only make things worse. Bit of upgrading the bedding going on with all involved. The nights are starting to get colder, I have added some hay over the top of the igloo house as the house itself must be full to the brim. Also put some hay and leaves just outside.

As a relative newbie to hedgehogs I am unclear at what point the hoglets will be left to their own devices, and will this mean they will be kicked out of the family home to find/build their hibernation nests. I am assuming the current family would not co-habit during the hibernation period ?
I have put a new wooden house about 2m away from the current home in the hope that it will become occupied by one of the hoglets if the need arises, but of course they may not be interested and choose somewhere else, which is also ok.
