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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Hedgehog rescuers Merseyside warrington area Help needed Reply To: Hedgehog rescuers Merseyside warrington area Help needed


Hog update, contacted Stapeley Grange who kindly looked at their admissions , my little hog wasn’t there ! As they are extremely busy the 3 hogs that had been due to be been admitted from Liverpool vets had had to go to a Rescue on the Wirral ! After a bit of searching found the Wirral Animal Sanctuary, who had 3 admissions on that day .The kind lady emailed me back straight away and said would have a look at hog weights today, sadly one of the hogs died but there is one that is similar weight to the one i took in .So fingers crossed it is doing ok, Can”t thank all the vets and Rescues i have contacted , all have been extremely helpful and genuinely interested .Even though they are swamped with new admissions.
