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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hedgehog House Reply To: Hedgehog House


Hi Hettihog, Over the summer we knew we had around 6 hogs, and probably more, but never saw any hoglets during those months. Its easy to think of them as ‘our’ hedgehogs but we know they go into at least two other gardens as I have filmed them climbing through/under the fences. Also, some of them have dark markings which I am sure are put there by people (look like aerosol marks) so there are neighbors that will probably claim ‘ownership’.
For my part I am happy to provide food (daily six 4″ bowls of mainly Hedgehog nibbles with a few Calci worms added), water and accommodation. I am all too aware that they may go elsewhere anytime. Indeed, over the year if there is food left in the stations then I reduce the amount until it all goes and if it all goes I increase it again.
We only moved to this property 3 years ago so this hog thing is fairly new to me. Previously my focus was on the wild birds and always have quite a number of feeders on the go. The Hogs however, are more personal as you start to recognise them and their mannerisms and our review of the 3 cameras footage has become a daily ritual. Its great to have found this forum and read about other peoples adventures with these delightful animals.
