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Home Forums Champions’ chat Hedgehog hibernating in damp hay – does it matter? Reply To: Hedgehog hibernating in damp hay – does it matter?

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Hi Aggie

That sounds like one lucky hog! Very unfortunate about the slug pellets, though. Do you know any friendly sheep farmers, because wool is quite, good, although you do have to change it from time to time. But from what I’ve heard, if you use slug pellets, all that happens is more slugs move in – beer traps likewise. I’m not sure the non-toxic slug pellets really are safe either. There are lots of alternatives i.e. copper tape/mesh, garlic water. But it depends what he’s trying to protect.

There was another conversation about slugs recently but I can’t find it at the moment. People will add things onto the end of other topics, which makes it very difficult to find them later! Not sure if that one was, but they often are!

P.S. Just found that conversation – near the end of this topic
