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Advice please!

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Advice please!

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  • #18954

    Hi new here. I’ve had a regular hedgehog visitor this year and last night found him trapped inside my garage scratching to get out. I felt terrible so left the door open all evening with wet dog food. He didn’t leave quickly so I left him alone, I checked about 2 am to make sure he’d left but found him digging inside an empty compost bag. I’ve left the door open again overnight, as I’ve no idea if he’s in there! Is it possible he’s looking for somewhere to hibernate? I dare not close the garage door now !

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    Hi Kezza1973

    It’s very difficult to know, without knowing what the contents of your garage are like (i.e. how easy it would be to see if there is a nest). Hogs do sometimes decide to hibernate in sheds, garages, etc. But there is a very small chance that it might have a nest with late hoglets. But is there anywhere in the garage it could have that – that you wouldn’t notice? But if that was the case you wouldn’t want to shut the hog out. I know it sounds a bit extreme, but is there any chance you could make a hog hole in the garage door. It’s a bit tricky if it could be stuck in there. You wouldn’t want it to hibernate in a place it couldn’t get out of – they do sometimes come out of hibernation briefly and move nests.

    Not an easy one to answer without lots of, if this then … etc.

    I would have a good look to see if there is a nest, to start with.

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