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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Update on Cutie Reply To: Update on Cutie


Hi Nic
Thanks for reply- must say it made me laugh, the very thought that I would go around picking up any hoglet that I saw in the vicinity to check the weight LOL! No I would have to be extremely concerned before I would intervene in the natural process of being wild!
As far as my question about if the hog is Hettys is concerned, I wasn’t referring to the fact they were just sharing a bowl. It was more about the shared genetics, as there markings are almost identical!
I really appreciate your support. And I’m much more confident that Cutie will soon match that of Hetty.
Cutie was feeding alone last night, the heavy rain did not deter the need to fill the tummy one bit and I was pleased about that, especially as I got soaked to the skin putting the food out lol ! Hetty on the other hand waited for a break in the rain, it’s quite obvious that she dislikes the rain immensely and speeds up her movements, to the extent that she looks like a speeded up cartoon character on film lol – between the two of them they are getting through large amounts of supplied food and by the number of chewed Beatles left behind on the dishes, they are still getting lots of natural food as well. So all good! Breath and Relax Lol
Thank you again your time on the forum it is invaluable! x
