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Home Forums Champions’ chat Feeling really disheartened Reply To: Feeling really disheartened

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Glad to hear you are enjoying the clips from your camera, Hedgie Lover. If all the hogs hibernate, at least you will have some video to watch during the winter!

Regarding the small hog, I would just keep an eye on it. Hopefully if it finds the food, it will grow quite quickly (they do at that stage) and there is still wild food around as well. Personally I think it’s too early to start thinking of rescuing hoglets to be over-wintered (unless they are sick or injured). It isn’t the safe option – not all of them surive – and it’s very stressful for them to be confined. I would give them a chance to put on a bit of weight for a while yet. Then when the weather starts to get cold (which is likely to be when the wild food becomes more scarce) assess the situation then. You would need to contact a rescue place, anyway, to see if they could take another hoglet, so you could ask advice relating particularly to your area, at the same time.
