Hi, very happy to say that I caught a hog on camera last night (sent to hedgehogstreet), after a few nights of trying out my new toy in different locations around the garden. Prior to that, I had only caught sightings of very busy field/wood mice and a neighbour’s cat. We had regular sightings of a hedgehog when we moved in, just under two years ago, but to my heartbreak and horror it was run over one night, just outside of our house. Luckily we had another, much more shy hog take up residency over this winter. It seemed to nest for the mostpart in a box we provided, but sadly it became damp in the latest rains/storms. I was worried that the hog might not return, but glad to see one caught on camera last night and a fresh poop in the part of the lawn that’s allowed to grow wild. The hedgehog has lots of ticks. Not sure if I should try and intervene to remove them, or whether it’s a pointless and unnecessarily invasive exercise? Any advice please? I also contacted the local council, MP and highways agency about trying to get better protection on our road for hedgehogs… But they’ve been useless sadly. I copied in Herts Wildlife Trust into the emails, and of course they were very supportive, but seemingly powerless to help. Many thanks for reading my first entry!